The Garden Route is a stretch of highway from Mossels Bay to Port Elizabeth along the eastern cape shore line. The trip was absolutely amazing. We could do it 5 times and never run out of new places to go and things to do.
After going through a couple HUGE caverns which were absolutely beautiful, we went on the "adventure tour" where we had to crawl on our tummies through tiny little passageways, twist and turn just to make it through, and slide down on our backs! It was my first time
After the caves we went to an ostrich farm. There are TONS of them in that part of the country, and this one did not disappoint. At the ostrich farm we learned about the birds and then we got to pet some. Then they put a pellet of food in between our lips and the bird picked it out from our mouth and "kissed us!" Although it was a pretty neat experience, I would have to say that ostriches aren't very good kissers, and it's probably not something I would do again, given the choice.... it kind of hurt!
We all got some help mounting the bird, but
After we all had a turn the "ostrich jockeys" showed us how its really done. They just hopped right on and rode them all around the pen, directing where to go by pulling (gently) on the bird's neck, pull right, bird goes right, pull the neck back, the bird stops. It was crazy looking!
At the end, we got to stand on some ostrich eggs which can really sustain the weight of a person! I have to say I was very impressed by my whole ostrich experience! Additionally, ostrich meat is delicious and good for you, its very lean meat. But their eggs are really high in fat and cholesterol. We had them for breakfast at our hostel but I didn't really like them. They had a weird texture very different from chicken eggs; fluffy, but maybe a little greasy and gritty too… bizarre. Did you know that one ostrich egg can feed up to 18 people!? Crazy stuff.
After the ostrich farm we went to a wild life ranch. Our intent was to pet some tigers, but it ended up being too expensive so we just walked around and saw a bunch of alligators and crocodiles and wild cats: cheetahs, tigers, jaguars, and lions..
The lions were quite interesting. There were three lionesses and one alpha male in the enclosure. After sitting there for a couple minutes, the male lion gets up and walks over toward one of the lionesses... And climbs on top of her, about 5 feet away from us!! It was crazy. There was a little moaning and then she rolled over, hit him in the face and he walked away. Then he walks over to another lioness and does the same thing. It was ummmm educational or at the very least...entertaining.
Thursday morning we got up early again and drove to a place called Wilderness. The entire
drive was amazing, BEAUTIFUL green mountains on one side and an incredible shore-line on the other. At Wilderness we rented some canoes for the day and canoed down a river (we basically just moseyed down the river and let the current pull us). We stopped at the base of a trail and hiked up to a waterfall. After we swam in the water for a little while and then hiked down, got back in our canoes.
Unfortunately, at this point the wind had picked up. It got cold and started raining and we were paddling upstream. The wind was so strong that we were actually being blown backwards and into the shore. It was probably the most difficult thing I've done in quite a while. I was definitely not a happy camper!

Unfortunately, at this point the wind had picked up. It got cold and started raining and we were paddling upstream. The wind was so strong that we were actually being blown backwards and into the shore. It was probably the most difficult thing I've done in quite a while. I was definitely not a happy camper!
After our long day we went to an Italian restaurant in town and right in the middle of dinner the power went out!! (due to the "rolling blackouts" the country has been experiencing lately) Go figure. South Africa is a funny place, but the wait staff and other workers just kept going like nothing happened, and
everyone finished their dinners by candle light. Just another blackout!
Friday morning we drove to Knysna for breakfast. It is a gorgeous coastal town with amazing sandstone cliffs that mark the entrance into a beautiful lagoon. It was breathtaking. We hung out there for the morning and explored a little before heading off to Plettenburg bay. Once we got there, our first stop was monkey land for lunch.
Monkeyland is an open monkey sanctuary
where the monkeys roam free w/in the place and there are no barriers between the human visitors and the monkeys. It was crazy. They have over 200 monkeys there. So at lunch lots of monkeys hang out near the deck where the lunch seating is hoping to snatch some food from unsuspecting people! A monkey actually ran across my table trying to get my Lays potato chips!!! And one got someone's yogurt and a soda can! It was hysterical and a little unnerving. They were running under our chairs and we even saw one little momma monkey with a little baby monkey clinging to her back. After lunch, we went on a tour of the forest where they live. The whole time we were walking around there were monkeys playing over our heads and running across our path. It was sweet.
Friday morning we drove to Knysna for breakfast. It is a gorgeous coastal town with amazing sandstone cliffs that mark the entrance into a beautiful lagoon. It was breathtaking. We hung out there for the morning and explored a little before heading off to Plettenburg bay. Once we got there, our first stop was monkey land for lunch.
Monkeyland is an open monkey sanctuary

Then, they pulled each of us up individually and let us touch the elephants,
After dinner we drove to our next destination, Tsitsikamma National Park. We stayed at a sweet hostel inside of elevated tents each with a full mattress. I stayed with Dave (just a friend) and Jaime, Tim, and Aimee stayed together in the other one. We were a little tipsy to say the least and Dave and I took both of the flashlights to our tent so the others got locked in their tent in total darkness and couldn’t figure out how to get out until the next morning! (Basically they were too out of it to find the zipper door in the tent and were trying to get out the window) To say the least, it made for some pretty hysterical circumstances and some ridiculous cries for help in the middle of the night. very entertaining.
The next day we did a zip line tour through a forest canopy. There were 8 ziplines, the longest being 250 meters. And we ziplined over 4 (yes 4!!!) waterfalls. It was breathtaking. We were in full harnesses with all of our own gear. The water was this weird brown/amber color because the indigenous plants have the same chemical in them that makes tea brown and it leaches into the water making it a really crazy color.
Jeffrey's Bay is one of the best surfing spots
in the world. It was really nice, and our hostel was on a hill above the beach so we had an incredible view and we literally just walked down some stairs and were on a beach. That night we hung out on the beach with some English people who we had actually met at our first hostel and randomly crossed paths with again.
Sunday morning we got back into our car, after a morning at the beach, and drove 7 hours home to Cape Town.
Sunday morning we got back into our car, after a morning at the beach, and drove 7 hours home to Cape Town.
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